Training – HazChem shoreline response

Today, the volunteers of Skerries Coast Guard undertook routine training in scene management of incidents involving hazardous materials. This training is vital as the Skerries team could be the first emergency services to arrive at the scene of an incident involving a hazardous material.


The exercise involved scenario based training in HazChem search techniques,  including use of the international HazChem identification and action codes. The primary aim when responding to such incidents is to quickly identify the specific or generic classification of the material(s) involved in the incident, and to protect both on-scene emergency services personnel and the general public during this initial response phase of the incident.



Pyrotechnics training

This afternoon, the Skerries Coast Guard team conducted a routine pyrotechnics training exercise. Two teams were positioned at Skerries and Balbriggan, with several white parachute flares being deployed at various intervals.


These rocket flares are frequently used by the Coast Guard during incidents as a means of illuminating large areas at night and also as a signalling aid.



Cliff Rescue Training – Howth










Today, the volunteers from Skerries Coast Guard took part in a cliff rescue training exercise, organised by our flank station in Howth.

Howth Coast Guard is one of 17 cliff rescue units based around the Irish coastline. Skerries volunteers were able to see first hand how a cliff rescue is set up and operated, and also how a casualty might be recovered from steep ground.


The Skerries team also had an opportunity to participate and did some descending and ascending on steep terrain under Howth’s expert supervison.


Weather conditions were good with a freshening wind and clear visibility.

Many thanks to all our colleagues in Howth Coast Guard.


Night search training – Skerries

This evening, the volunteers of Skerries Coast Guard were out in force for routine night search training at Red Island, Skerries.  The scenario was centred around a shoreline and scrub land search for a missing person. Weather conditions throughout the search were very good and the “casualty” was successfully located near the Springers.


The training also covered a practical demonstration in the use of the team’s night vision equipment.
