Combined Unit Exercise – 30th August

Skerries Coast Guard today hosted a major combined unit exercise (CUE) involving over 40 volunteers from our flank stations of Howth, Drogheda and Clogherhead. The purpose of the exercise was to provide scenario based training on key Coast Guard skills including land and coastal search, helicopter operations, radio communications, search coordination, casualty first aid, and teamwork.


The exercise was centered on the scenario of 3 adults being reported missing, last seen heading out to the islands off Skerries in a small boat. 

Phase I

Phase I of the exercise took place in the morning and involved search teams being deployed by Coast Guard boats to the three islands off Skerries.


A “casualty” was located by the search team on Shenick island and was treated on scene. Meanwhile, the Coast Guard helicopter, EI-MES, landed at Red Island, taking on board another rescue team and equipment.


These were deployed to Shenick Island and the casualty subsequently evacuated.


Phase II

The exercise continued in the afternoon with search teams deployed along the coast from Red Island to Loughshinney. The search coordination base remained at Red Island.


During this search, the remaining two missing persons were located by the teams. One casualty was found in the “smugglers’ cave” near Loughshinney with minor injuries.


The second casualty was located further South along the coast. The search teams treated both casualties at the scene and transported them to the nearest road access points.

Weather conditions throughout the day were generally fair with light Southerly winds and good visibility.

Overall, the CUE was a great success and the Skerries team appreciate the huge contribution from the volunteer members of their flank stations of Howth, Clogherhead and Drogheda.

More photos from the exercise are posted in our photo gallery.

Read the press article on this exercise that appeared in the Northside People.


Search training – Laytown to Donabate

This evening, the volunteers of Skerries Coast Guard took part in a large scale coastal search exercise covering the area from Laytown, Co Meath right up to and including Donabate, Co Dublin. The exercise was based on the scenario of the team being tasked to search for a vessel at sea in their area of responsibility. Several separate search teams took part with the Skerries station acting as the local coordination base.

Weather conditions throughout the area were fair with good visibility.


Rescue training – Rush north beach


This evening, the volunteers of Skerries Coast Guard undertook search and rescue training at the North Beach in Rush. This consisted of a scenario based exercise that included rescue of persons trapped on the beach, dealing with suspected shoreline pollution and coastal search techniques.


Weather conditions on scene were challenging with poor visibility and slight SW winds.


Rescue training at Balbriggan

This morning, Skerries Coast Guard took part in a scenario based rescue exercise with the Irish Coast Guard helicopter. The exercise took place along a short stretch of coastline at Hampton Cove, Balbriggan. Various training ares covered included casualty assessment and transportation, communications, helicopter landing sites, and casualty evacuation.

