Christmas Greetings!


The crew of Skerries Coast Guard would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2008 has certainly been one of our busiest years and we would like to thank all those who supported us in our rescues, training and water safety events.

We would appeal to everyone to be particularly vigilant over the Christmas season when on or near the water.

Remember – if you spot someone in trouble at sea, on the cliffs or coast, or even if you think you see someone in trouble, dial 999 or 112 and ask for the COAST GUARD.


Search for missing windsurfers – 13th Dec 2008









At 17:15 this evening, the Skerries Coast Guard team were tasked to search for two missing windsurfers at the South beach in Rush. A concerned member of the public had contacted the Coast Guard’s rescue control centre (MRCC) on 999 to report that the two windsurfers were overdue by an hour and could not be sighted from the shore.

MRCC also immediately scrambled the Coast Guard helicopter, R116, from its base at Dublin Airport and it was on scene within minutes. Using the on board infra red camera and powerful NightSun spotlight, R116 searched the Rush coast, quickly locating the two windsurfers, near the South Beach. R116 guided the Skerries Coast Guard team to the shoreline where the team assisted the two from the water.  Both casualties were safe and well.

Incident #23 of 2008

Read the article on this incident in the Dublin People newspaper here


Report of Flare – 08 December 2008

At 17:50 this evening, the Skerries Coast Guard team were tasked by the Irish Coast Guard’s rescue co-ordination centre (MRCC) to investigate a reports of a possible sighting of a red distress flare north of Rockabill Lighthouse.

Skerries Coast Guard volunteers conducted a search of the coastline and nothing unusual was found  The team were subsequently stood down by MRCC

Weather conditions in the area were fair with good visibility and  light NW winds.

Incident #22 of 2008

Report of unusual lights – 6th Dec 2008

At 19:25 this evening, the volunteers of Skerries Coast Guard were tasked by the Irish Coast Guard’s Marine Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) to investigate public reports of unusual lights on Shenick Island. A concerned member of the public reported unusual lights in the area of the small island and that there may be persons requiring assistance.

Skerries Coast Guard investigated the reports and with the assistance of the Irish Lights vessal, “Granuaile” which was anchored nearby, established that there was no indication of any persons on the island and no further action was required. Visibility in the area was moderate to good, with light SE winds. The Skerries Coast Guard team were subsequently stood down by MRCC.

Incident #21 of 2008
